Mia - Meme -Beans
Mia - Meme -Beans

The #1 Golden
In Oregon 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016
As per the AKC Website
Mia was inducted into the Golden Retriever Show Dog Hall of Fame on
June 28, 2015
Mia Has earned her outstanding Dam by producing 4 AKC Champions.
I know there are more to come!
New AKC Champion as of July 30, 2011
New AKC Grand Champion as of October 29, 2011
AKC Bronze GCHas of July 22, 2012
AKC Silver GCH as of July 28, 2013
Mia's Clearances
Mia's Clearances
OFA Hips GR-105463F24F-VPI
Elbows: GR-EL26332F24-VPI
OFA Eyes: GR-EYE9987/71F-VPI
Prcd-PRA status:GR-PRA987/79F-PI Clear
PRA1 GR-GR1-956/79F-PI Clear
PRA2GR-GR2-784/79F-PI Clear
Ichthyosis status: GR-ICH1019/79F-PI Clear
Ichthyosis status 2 Status clear by Progeny 100% of Mia's offspring tested are clear.
DM status: R-DM650/79F-PI Clear

Mia- Meme- Beans as she was lovingly called by all who were close to her. Beans is Medium golden in color with light golden feathers. Mia is a happy go lucky girl. She loves the water and can swim for hours. Mia has a no fear attitude she is willing to try anything once. Mia was bred to have Balance, Grace and Beauty in a conformation ring.
Mia Was my first Real show dog. I am so proud to have bred her. Her AKC ring Debut was at the ripe old age of 6 months. Where she took 1st in her class as well as best puppy in breed going on to take a group 3. I will never forget what the judge said to me as he was handing me the 1st place ribbon. He said "this is the nicest bitch puppy I have seen in a long time. You better hold on tight to that lead because she is going to take you on one heck of a ride" He was so right! She took us on the ride of a life time. Her first points at 10 months, her first group placement at 13 months and finished her Championship at 16 months. She went on to have a very illustrious career!
She not only showed promise in the conformation ring but earned several obedience titles and worked in the field as well
**New Champion as of July 14, 2011!!
New Grand Champion as of October 29, 2011

Mia Group 1

Mia group 2

Mia group 2

1st BOB & Group 4 Walla Walla WA at
13 Months

Mia Group 3

Best In Sweeps 15 Months

Mia Does obedience too
Mia Does obedience too

Mia's first day out in the field was a huge success She is a natural!! With zero Exposure to birds of any kind, and zero training Mia Did 3 land retrievals and 5 water retrievals!! Needless to say we will be entering her into some field trials in the next few months.
Mia in the Whelping box
Mia has produced four beautiful litters of puppies
The first was born on April 13, 2013
out of Mia and sired by Jovi
We kept a boy Cruz and a Girl Georgia
Georgia made her ring debut in January 2015 taking her first major points the following weekend. Georgia finished her Championship in May of 2016 with limited showing.
won select bitch at the 2016 national.
Georgia has gone on to be a multi group placing bitch.
earning a Reserve Best in Show
and finishing her SDHF in 1 long weekend.
we plan to special Georgia in 2019 in Oregon
Cruz made his ring debut in June of 2015 he was injured in July of 2015 he is on the road to recovery we hope to have him back in the ring late 2016 Crus finished his Championship September 2nd 2018 we plane to special him in California 2019.

Mia in whelping box

Mia X Jovi

Mia x jovi

Mia X Charlie

Mia x Charlie

Mia x Seger
Mia x Seger
Mia's Second litter born 10/31/14
out of Mia and Charlie
We kept a boy Scoop and two girls Gabbie and Scandalous
Scoop made his ring debut at the GRCA Western Regional where he won his class of very competitive 6-9 puppy class and a major reserve.
Gabbie made her ring debut in June at a golden Retriever specialty. Where she won her very competitive class as well.
Both Scoop and Gabbie are now finished Champions.
Mia's Third litter
out of Mia Sired by Seger
there where only two boys Brooks and McGraw
Brooks has finished his AKC Championship with very limited showings McGrow also finished his Championship very quickly .
Mia's Forth litter
out of Mia Sired by Kash
we kept Reese Tango and North
North now resides in Japan
we will be getting Tango and Reese out stating 2019
Whiskey Creek Goldens, Golden Retriever Oregon, Golden Retriever Puppies Oregon, Golden Retriever Stud Service Oregon, Oregon Golden Retriever puppies, Washington Golden Retriever puppies, California Golden Retriever puppies, Golden Retriever Breeder Oregon, Golden retriever puppy Oregon